Thursday 12 March 2009

Blessing of Wisdom / Mana Spring Totem change

Just when you think you've seen all the stupidity Blizzard could pull out of their respective asses, here comes another one.

Come patch 3.1 Blessing of Wisdom and Mana Spring Totem is going to be mutually exclusive. Meaning you can either get one or the other as they won't stack anymore.

This is yet another backhanded "fix" that wasn't necessary. Especially not when they said that "Shaman regen is exactly where we want it." 'Exactly where you want it for the moment; wait for us to nerf every other class first. We'll get back to you.'

They made a mistake with Replenishment, making it a bit more powerful than they hoped for and instead of tuning it they proceed to make this retarded fix that no one asked for.

I don't know who the Dev's are raiding with or how their internal testing is being done but one thing is for sure, it's not in the same environment as the rest of us else they wouldn't make these kind of idiotic changes.

A quote from GC: "Additionally, we have been trying to tone down mana regeneration in large groups, and were concerned raids would feel the need to stack paladins or especially shaman to have enough Mana Spring totems."

That has NEVER been the issue for as long as I've raided and I have NEVER heard of any proper raid guild who are stacking shamans for mana spring totems. Way to go making shit up.

"We have also been trying to get more benefits out of the party and into the raid, and Mana Spring previously was still a party only buff. With this change, if there is only one paladin, he or she can bring Blessing of Kings while the shaman offers Mana Spring. If there are two paladins and the second offers Blessing of Wisdom, then the shaman can offer healing or cleansing with their water totem instead."

So basically, GC and his gang of retards wants to pigeon-hole shamans into a heal/cleanse-bot... now where have I seen that before? Hmm... Oh yeah! Paladins in vanilla WoW! It works the other way, too. If, as GC says, you stack shamans in a raid (god knows why you would), the Paladin player becomes a heal/cleanse bot as the Shamans already bring whatever buffs the paladin has - bar Kings - returning us to square 1. In the back of the raids doing absolutely fuck all, which is where we didn't want to be for the past 3 years and now they seem intent on moving us back there again.

Good job, Blizzard Dev Team. Once again you show your complete and utter incompetence. Fixing things that weren't broken to begin with, backhanded fixes because of your precious Arena E-Sport (ENOUGH ALREADY! Quit fucking up PvE with your god damn awful PvP!) and nerfs that make no sense whatsoever.

By the way, anyone else find it ironic that Eyonix is the harbinger of bad news? I'm sure the Warlock community can relate.

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