Tuesday 27 January 2009

Arena and the LOLFAIL it is.

So Season 5 has been around for a while now and the utter failure that is Arena is blazing like a supernova in the heavens. Season 1 was a nice mix of every class and spec and was considered one of the more balanced seasons of Arena.

Then came the druid domination of the next four following seasons.

Now at Season 5 and Wrath of the Lich King, where everyone and his mother has HP and damage output to take down a God, has made the Arenas the butt-end of a joke that was bad before and is just horrible now.

You have Arena maps that are bugged to the point where people are either stuck in one place or simply fall through the floor, dying instantly.

You have certain classes and specs that - once again - dominate the Arenas, making anyone not playing that class and/or spec being left in the gutter. Again.

Déja Vú, anyone?

To begin with, you had only Team Rating. Then came Personal Rating which was supposed to balance the Arenas out a bit. Didn't help a lot... like nothing at all.

Now we have Hidden Rating. Oh this is the best thing yet. In an attempt to stop 2k+ rated teams to disband and re-form a new team to steamroll freshly started 1500-rated teams for easy points, this new rating supposedly makes matchmaking better... or not at all. Take your pick.

Now, this rating, I don't know what they (Dev team) were smoking when they thought of this, is seriously flawed. You are gaining much less for, say, defeating a higher rated team and lose much more should aforementioned team defeat you.

This screenshot says it all: (click to enlarge)

Wait... back up a bit. You lose rating ... even if you win the match?

How retarded do you have to be to not see how badly implemented this is? I guess the people at internal testing, QA and whatnot are too busy smoking something to actually test stuff.. whoah. Déja Vú, anyone?

But, it's okay. According to Ghostcrawler, it'll be better once you get some Resilience.

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